Emily Barr is a renowned author of young adult fiction whose books have been published internationally in multiple languages. Recently we were tasked with redesigning and redeveloping her website.
The challenge
Since Emily’s novels are available in multiple territories, there is often a geographical disconnect regarding which book needs promoting as her latest work. As part of the website’s redevelopment we needed to be able to push different content to different countries and offer location-relevant links to buy Emily’s books from Amazon.
Homepage: Territorial variations
The solution
Go Tripod has produced a website powered by WordPress that allows Emily to autonomously update her content, including details of her busy promotions schedule. We have also produced bespoke administration features within the WordPress system that allow Emily to automatically present differing content to her various global audiences.
Design process: Layout and flow concepts
The results
Emily’s new website has brought her online identity bang up to date. It is quick, responsive and easy for Emily to administer. By providing geo-sensitive links to different Amazon territories we have also been able to intelligently increase sales traffic.
“Go Tripod have been a joy to work with, transforming my website from a clunky prosaic thing into something friendly and beautiful, and anticipating what I needed without my ever having to work it out for myself. I can't recommend them highly enough.”
Our involvement in this project included the following:
- Website design
- CMS integration (WordPress)
- Custom WordPress development
- Website hosting
We made use of these technologies along the way:
- jQuery
- Twig
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