Most businesses are web-based software businesses

15th July 2024


People working in an office with computers with paper gathering dust

Today most businesses will be using web-based software, and you’ll struggle to find a truly offline organisation in the UK in 2024. You’ll struggle to find one which doesn’t have a computer in their office and you’ll struggle to find one which isn’t connected to the internet in some way.

But just how aware of our reliance on web-based software are we?

Most SMEs use specific software platforms to sustain and grow and more and more are investing in and adopting web-based software solutions.

Digital Transformation through Software

A company in a traditional industry will often have a reasonably traditional growth model. Let’s use the hypothetical example of an estate agent with a 20-year history. At the start of those 20 years, their day-to-day would have been newspaper adverts, word-of-mouth, shop window posters, and telephone calls. By the end of those 20 years, we’d be talking about Rightmove, email and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), video footage, 360 degree walkthroughs and drone tours – all great examples of web based software.

And while most estate agents will have transitioned to the new digital world, let’s think about those who seized the opportunity provided by new technology:

  • Using a service like Rightmove immediately gets your customers in touch with a multitude of potential buyers when compared to traditional advertising
  • Email and a CRM mean that customers can be provided with up-to-date information and no enquiry or progress gets left unattended

Web-based software is just software

It’s exactly that. No more, no less.

However, the key to unlocking this new value for your business is to partner with someone who understands software ,its applications and its true potential, as well as being at the forefront of new digital technology to be able to ride the wave of its implementation.

Let’s look at a second example from Go Tripod’s recent history:

While LetCheck had already begun to embrace software in their processes, their leadership team realised that until their digital transformation was complete, it was limiting their ability to penetrate the market. Their original foray into bespoke software solutions was enough to realise the positive impact of custom software development for their business and they embraced the next steps with open arms.

My LetCheck Login page screenshot

The key element of LetCheck‘s success is their willingness to understand that even though they’re operating in a traditional industry, they can use software to augment that. By having management and staff that are fully engaged with this, and having their operators be IT-savvy, they can incorporate their new bespoke web app into their existing processes flawlessly.

Work on the web

Many businesses, like LetCheck, find themselves in a similar position, where “traditional” on-premises software does not offer the same advantages as web-based software. This can be deployed as part of a cloud strategy, creating high-availability, accessible products which respond quickly to the demands of customers in multiple markets and geographies.

At Go Tripod, we work with our clients to produce software for the web, seamlessly bringing their business to potential customers around the world.

We’d love to help your business do the same!

To learn more about how our web-based software applications can benefit your organisation, simply email [email protected], call us on 0845 475 2487 or complete the form below.

Got an idea for a project?

Need a website? Web-enabled software to streamline your business? Just some advice? A hug?