SSL Heartbleed Bug

15th April 2014

You have probably heard about the SSL Heartbleed threat by now. In case you have not, here is a summary.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol that websites use to encrypt and protect data between you and them. This happens in the background whenever you use, for example, online banking.

So what is Heartbleed?

Heartbleed is a programming error (or bug as the trade people call it) which provides a vulnerability to allow a person to intercept encrypted SSL traffic. You can read a more in-depth discussion here

Am I at risk?

Yes and no. If you are a client of Go Tripod and we have developed an application for you, we have already taken measures and checked out all of our clients applications. We are all good.

However, other services and applications on the Internet maybe at risk. Those services providers should be checking their own services and resolving the problem. Be cautious in the meantime and contact those companies if you have any concerns.

What next?

Go Tripod will continuely monitor and keep a look out for threats and issues. Ensuring you can relax with your drink on a sunny beach in the comfort of knowing we have your back.

We have the tools and the ability to check other platforms, if you know of anyone that you think might benefit from this, pass on this email or get in touch with us.

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