On software development in Cornwall in 2022

27th April 2022

Back in 2018 we talked about how we make software development work remotely, and about our tentative efforts to embrace Cornwall’s software development community. Four years ago is a long time ago by any stretch, but in these difficult times it seems like an eternity. How have we at Go Tripod been affected and how have we changed?


The biggest (non-software!) development has been our shift to a four day week. For the past year we’ve trimmed the normal working week down by adding Friday on to the weekend, a 50% increase in free time. And there are no compromises – salary remains the same and the increased leisure time hasn’t come at a price.

Our clients have always had support requirements that mean we need cover outside of our own business hours, and this change hasn’t affected that. Someone is always on call to deal with urgent requests.

We continue to work remotely, investing in equipment and people rather than office space. Slack is our main point of contact, and we use Whereby for conference calling.


We’ve recently been working with Unlocking Potential, an organisation based in the new Fibre Hub down in Pool, to try and see how our services can better… well, serve, companies in Cornwall who are looking to undergo digital transformations. The use of software in this process is key, and we’re engaging with a number of small businesses who are developing cloud-based software to power the next phase of their business.

Us & You

The past few years have shown many people what’s important in their lives, and we’re no different. We’re refocusing on our strengths, and remembering why we started working in Cornwall in the first place. If you’re looking for a partner to develop web-based software for your Cornish SME, you’re in the right place. We’ll help you develop your idea, explore funding options, and bring your software project to fruition. And if you just need some advice, we can act as your CTO on an ad-hoc basis, so you have expert advice on-tap. Sound good? Get in touch!

By Go Tripod
Filed under: News

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