Creating a two-way binding between Model and Form in Flex

20th October 2008

A quick sorry to all my Flex readership for the lack of Flex related posts these last few months. I though I would drop a quick tip / class I often use to create a two way binding between a form to a corresponding class model.

Flex provides a one way binding through its <mx:Binding> tags, if you are unfamiliar with this tag check out the section on them in Adobe’s Flex quick start guide. However if you want changes made to the model reflected in the form as well as changes made to the form reflected back in the model you need to set up two way bindings. To simplify this I have created a helper class (listed below) which then allows me to establish a two way binding.

package com.vibrant.components.Forms
	import flash.display.DisplayObject;

	import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
	import mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher;

	public class ModelBinding

		private var _modelWatcher		: ChangeWatcher;
		private var _componentWatcher		: ChangeWatcher;
		private var bindingsAreEstablished	: Boolean = false;

		public function ModelBinding()

		 * Property field
		 * @default null

		private var _model : Object;

		public function set model( value : Object ):void
			_model = value;

		public function get model() : Object
			return _model;

		 * Property field, field within model to bind
		 * @default ""

		private var _field:String;

		public function set field( value : String ):void
			_field = value;

		public function get field() : String
			return _field;

		 * Property: target, component to tartget binding from model to.

		private var _target : Object;

		public function set target( value : Object ):void
			_target = value;

		public function get target() : Object
			return _target;

		 * Property: property, to bind to on target component

		private var _property : String = "text";

		public function set property( value : String ):void
			_property = value;

		public function get property() : String
			return _property;

		 * @private
		 * Updates bindings between component and model
		private function updateBinding() : void
			if ( bindingsAreEstablished ) clearBindings();

			if ( model != null &&  model.hasOwnProperty( field )
				&& target != null && target.hasOwnProperty( property ) )
				_modelWatcher = BindingUtils.bindProperty( target, property, model, field );
				_componentWatcher = BindingUtils.bindProperty( model, field, target, property );
				bindingsAreEstablished = true;

		 * Clears bindings
		private function clearBindings() : void {

			if ( _modelWatcher != null )
				_modelWatcher = null;

			if ( _componentWatcher != null )
				_componentWatcher = null;
			bindingsAreEstablished = false;


This class basically takes a model class, that has the data you would like to setup the bindings with in. The field name, the name of the property within the model class to bind to. A target, the form component to establish the view side binding with and finally you can specify an optional property that the binding should be made to on the form element. If unspecified, the ‘property’ defaults to “text” as this is the most often used property to bind to. So for example given the following User model:

public class UserModel
    public var firstName : String;
    public var lastName : String;

	public function UserModel()

We could set up a binding to a TextInput as follows:

		public var userModel : UserModel;
	<mx:FormItem label="First Name">
		<mx:TextInput id="txtFirstName"/>
<modelBinding model="{userModel}" field="firstName" target="{txtFirstName}"/>

As you can see with this class you can quickly setup two-way bindings with your models.

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